The Art of Storytelling & Illustration Tour 2013

Posted on Dec 02 , 2013 in What's New

You are about to embark on a journey….

Storytelling may be a gift and drawing may be a talent, but they are also skills that can be learned and refined.  The Art of Storytelling & Illustration workshop examines the process of creating a story: imagining characters, settings, plots and pictures.

In the summer and fall of 2013, award winning author, J.L. Kimmel took her workshop on tour and shared her experience and expertise with eager students in libraries and schools along the east coast of the U.S. and in El Salvador.  See all the photos here!


J.L. Kimmel with Students Workshop Class

 “Award winning author Janine Kimmel visited us recently during her whirlwind book tour of El Salvador. Janine is the author of The Magic Gown and the Yawning Rabbit River Chronicles. We were fortunate in that this dynamic author, artist and speaker was able to devote 6 sessions on the art of storytelling and illustration, to our 5th and 6th grade students.   During the sessions Janine shared several scrolls and numerous prints of the artwork from her books. The kids were thrilled to find out that many of these paintings were her own.  Janine explained how the paintings played an important role as the first step in her book writing journey.  Our students were blown away by Janine’s description of her work, and the writing process she went through when writing her novels.” Our staff and students would like to thank Janine for taking the time to work with our students and for inspiring many of our aspiring authors and artists at the ABC. If you would like to see more pictures from these book talks, you can do so at the LRC Facebook or LRC Flickr pages.” – ABC LRC 

J.L. Kimmel is excited to bring her workshop to Los Angeles, CA this month with a workshop on Thursday, December 12th at Hollywood Schoolhouse.


A Note From J. L. Kimmel

The Art Of Storytelling & Illustration library tour has come to a close and, as I look back on the wonderful experience, I am reminded of the value of “saying a hearty ‘yes’ to adventure in life”.  This advice has been a mainstay in my creative process and therapeutic practice as well as a theme for the recent Art of Storytelling tour.

One never knows how things will turn out – moment to moment.  And yet the willingness to say “yes” brought me the most wonderful gifts…

This fall those gifts included the lovely people of all ages I met at the Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charlottesville, and Richmond libraries and the Charlottesville Barnes & Noble. Thank you to you all!  I was honored to inspire you, as you inspired me.

A big thank you to Wendy Anne Edwards at 1070 WINA – WINA Morning News: Weekend Edition, Charlottesville VA for a great early morning radio interview.

Thank you Caryle Duffy for your beautiful support at the Philadelphia Library Event!

I am so grateful to Sara Sgarlat at Sgarlat Publicity and Leonard Baker for taking such good care of me.

And thank you to Danielle and Natalie at SierraRed for providing on-going graphic design and social media marketing support.