Poetry and Nature Workshop

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The Magic Doorway Children’s Workshop

The Magic Doorway Workshop for Children can simply bring wonderful magic into the everyday experience!

Children “of all ages” will spend an enchanting hour with J.L. Kimmel, author and artist of the award-winning children’s book The Magic Gown, and see the sequential, colorful, doorway paintings that inspired the magical journey of Lilly, Tom, Mr. H. Myrrh, Tu, The Fish and many more charming characters from the Land of Ten Kings and Roses.

In this workshop, the children will receive their own magical doorways and will be guided in their ability to imagine all of the wonderful enchanted details that each one offers, such as where it goes and what they hear. Then they will color it as they see it for themselves. Finally, they will discuss with Ms. Kimmel their ideas and any questions they may have about how an image evokes an amazing story from within.